Dar a Ouvir is co-organized by the Educational Service of Jazz ao Centro Clube and by the Convento São Francisco / Coimbra Municipality.
The project is rooted in a previous Jazz ao Centro Clube initiative – the Coimbra Historical City Centre Sound Archive – that emerged in 2013 out of an invitation to the filed recordist Luís Antero.
The Archive is born out of the willingness to show the importance of soundscapes to our understanding of the world around us. It tried to tackle questions like “Which sounds does our city incorporates? How many of them are at risk (and why)? What can we learn about the specificities of the communities in a city (spatial communities, neighborhoods, professional communities, etc.) through its sonic dimensions?
In 2016, with the interactive Sound Furniture MS01, the Archive was made available to the audiences for a artistic, educational and playful exploration. MS01 was the fruit of a partnership between Jazz ao Centro Clube and the Computational Design and Visualization Lab., a research group belonging to the Cognitive and Media Systems Group (Centro de Informática e Sistemas da Universidade de Coimbra).
MS01 das at the basis of the appearance, in 2017, of the Dar a Ouvir Festival. In it’s context, the Archive has been fundamental to raise awareness to listening and to sound has a source of discovery and knowledge.
This year, between July 18th and September 1st, DAR a OUVIR renews the invitation to discover listening practices has key to our rapport with the planet. It does that through a artistic program that receives artists from several parts of the world – Brazil, Slovenia, Spain, Portugal and Sweden – having in common the focus of the vast domain of artistic and academic research around sound, acoustic ecology and auditory culture.
This year’s Edition deepens some of the questions that were already present in previous editions, namely an interest in the listening of the non-humano. The City soundscape retais a central and foundational character, bus the sonic representation of the urban and human communities now share the stage of all other things that make up the world.
Gil Delindro (PT) // Nils Berg Cinemascope (SE) // Mbé & Lucas (BR) // Petra Kapš (SV) // Raquel G. Ibáñez & Ignacio Martínez (SP) // Companhia de Música Teatral (PT) // Pedro Martins, Tiago Martins and Cristiana Bastos (PT)
Follow the program:
https://www.facebook.com/DARaOUVIR (Facebook)
https://www.instagram.com/dar.a.ouvir/ (Instagram)
https://coimbraconvento.pt/pt/ (Convento São Francisco Website)